Fear, Art, and Finding New Opportunities During Covid
There is so much uncertainty now. One way to work with insecurity is to gently pursue the arts as a means to cope with ambiguity. Each arriving unborn moment presents an exciting space for surfacing expressive possibility. Through activities like drawing, clay sculpture, and photography we can open to the uncertainty of now, as so eloquently presented by a blank canvas, raw piece of clay, or random moment waiting to be photographed. During Covid, consider the arts as a helpful way to coexist with the challenges of each disappointing or hard-hitting moment. And conversely, utilize the arts to celebrate each small victory! From: “Art as Contemplative Practice: Expressive Pathways to the Self”
(The image below is a piece I created while leading a workshop for the clinic “Arkabace” in Istanbul, Turkey. It has been used by my colleagues Dr. Olcay Güner and Clinical Psychologist Nur Dinçer Genç, directors of the clinic, for the cover of their book, Sanat Terapisi.) https://www.kitapambari.com/kitap/sanat-terapisi-olcay-guner