
BOOK:   Franklin, M. A. (2017). Art as contemplative practice: Expressive pathways to the Self. Albany New York: SUNY Press. ***This book focuses on art and yoga, art and meditation, and art and imaginal traditions.


Franklin M. Alone within the ALONESS of Covid-19: Developing Contemplative, Artistic Inner Friendship for Turbulent Times. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine 2023; 8(4):045;  doi:10.21926/obm.icm.2304045.

Franklin, M. A. (2020). Expanding artistic literacy in art therapy education: Self-Reflection tools for assessing artwork and art-based research. Art Therapy: The Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2020.1721993

Franklin, M. A. (2019). Dining with the Imaginal Slowing Technologies of Lectio Divina and Visio Divina. In Dalton, J. E., Hall, M. P., & Hoyse, C. E. (Eds.), The whole person: Embodying teaching and learning through Lectio and Visio Divina (pp. vii-ix). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Franklin, M. A. (2019). Widening the lens of ethical practice in art therapy: Visual free speech and the inclusive studio environment. In A. Di Maria (Ed.), Exploring ethical dilemmas in art therapy: 50 clinicians from 20 countries share their stories (pp. 292-298). New York and London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

Franklin, M. A. (2018). Understanding lineage, difference, and the contemplative dimensions of Edith Kramer's art as therapy model. In Gerity, L. A. & Anand, S.(Eds.), The Legacy of Edith Kramer: A Multifaceted View (pp. 205-213). New York and London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

Franklin M. A. (2016). Imaginal mindfulness-imaginal intelligence: Musings on the languages of shadow and light in art, meditation, and clinical practice. In F. J. Kaklauskas, C. J. Clements, D. Hocoy, & L. Hoffman (Eds.), Shadows & Light: Theory, research, and practice in transpersonal psychology (Vol. 1: Principles & Practices; pp. 101-121). Colorado Springs, CO: University Professors Press.

Franklin, M.  A.  (2016). Hanging chads, buoys, and clay: Finding what was never lost.  In Thayer-Cox, C & Harrison, W.  A (Eds.), Saying goodbye to our mothers for the last time (pp. 11-17). Bracey, VA: Lisa Hagan Books.  

Franklin, M. A. (2016). Contemplative approaches to art therapy: Incorporating Hindu-Yoga-Tantra and Buddhist wisdom traditions in clinical and studio practice. In Rubin, J. A. (ed). Approaches to Art Therapy (pp. 308-329). New York: Routledge.

Franklin, M. A. & Grossenbacher, P. G. (2016). Empathy examined from perspectives of neuroscience and artistic imagination. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 58:3, 251-255, DOI: 10.1080/00029157.2015.1102702

Franklin, M. A. (2016). Essence and art: A contemplative - transpersonal view of art therapy. In Gussak, D. E. and Rosal, M. L. (eds.). The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Art Therapy (pp. 99-111). Chichester, West Sussex UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Franklin, M. A. (2014) Mindful considerations for training art therapists: Inner friendship - outer professionalism. In Rappaport, L. (ed.), Mindfulness and the arts therapies: Theory and practice (pp. 264-275). London: Jessica Kingsley.

Blandy, D., Franklin, M. A. (2012). Following the Siren’s Song: Scott Harrison and the Carousel of Happiness. Wexler, A. (Ed.), Reframing art education beyond the classroom. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Franklin, M. (2012). Karuna – ahimsa – and relational aesthetics: Empathic art interventions for contemplative approaches to psychotherapy. In de Silva, P. (Ed.), Buddhist Psychotherapy, 145-154. Ayuthaya, Thailand: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University.

Franklin, M. A. (2012). Know thyself: Awakening self-referential awareness through art-based research. Journal of Applied Arts and Health: Special Issue on Art-Based Research: Opportunities & Challenges. 3(1), 87-96.

Franklin, M (2010). Affect regulation, mirror neurons and the 3rd hand: Formulating mindful empathic art interventions. Art Therapy: The journal of the American Art Therapy Association. 27(4), 160-167.

Franklin, M. (2010). Global Recovery and the Culturally/Socially Engaged Artist In Peoples, D. (Ed.), Buddhism and Ethics, 309-320. Ayuthaya, Thailand: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University.

Franklin, M.; Siemon, T. (2008). Towards an understanding of the fundamental healing and therapeutic qualities of art. Journal of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine. 6 (3), 269-273.

Franklin, M. (2008). Art as contemplative practice: Ethics and social action. In Peoples, D. (Ed.), Buddhism and Ethics, 376-382. Ayuthaya, Thailand: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University.

Franklin, M. (2007). Contemplations of a middle man: Anima rising. Art Therapy: The Journal of the American Art Therapy Association. 24 (1), 4-9.

Franklin, M.; Rothaus, M.; Schpock, K. (2005). Unity in diversity: Communal pluralism in the art studio and the classroom. In Kaplan, F. (Ed.), Art therapy and social action: Treating the world’s wounds. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Invited poet: Moon, B. & Schoenholtz, R. (2004). Word pictures: The poetry and art of art therapy. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas.

Franklin, M. (2001). The yoga of art and the creative process: Listening to the divine. In M. Farrelly-Hanson (Ed.), Spirituality and art therapy: Living the connection (pp. 97-114). London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Franklin, M.; Farrelly-Hanson, M.; Marek, B.; Swan-Foster, N.; Wallingford, S. (2000). Transpersonal art therapy education. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 17(2), 101-110.

Franklin, M. (1999). Art practice/ psychotherapy practice/meditation practice: Sitting on the dove’s tail. Guidance and Counseling. 15(3), 18-22.

Franklin, M. (1999) Becoming a student of oneself: Activating the witness in meditation and super-vision. American Journal of Art Therapy, 38(1), 2-13.

Franklin, M. (1996) A place to stand: Maori culture-tradition in a contemporary art studio. Art Therapy: The Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 13(2), 126-30.

Franklin, M. (l993). AIDS iconography and cultural transformation: Visual and artistic responses to the AIDS crisis. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 20(4), 299-316.

Franklin, M. (l993). The image as cultural messenger: Iconography of the AIDS crisis. In F. J. Bejjani (Ed.), Forum on arts and medicine. New York: Med Art Press.

Franklin, M., & Politsky, R. (l992). The problem of interpretation: Implications and strategies for the field of art therapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 9(3), l63-l75.

Franklin, M. (l99l). Art therapy and self esteem. Art Therapy: The Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 9(2), 78-84.

Franklin, M. (l990). Aesthetics and empathy: A point of convergence. American Journal of Art Therapy, 29(2), 42-47.

Franklin, M. (l98l). Terminating art therapy with emotionally disturbed children. American Journal of Art Therapy, 20(2), 55-57.
